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MemeStreams Discussion


This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: Wired News: When the Spam Hits the Blogs. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

Wired News: When the Spam Hits the Blogs
by Rattle at 4:30 am EDT, Sep 11, 2003

] Owners of the conversational websites known as weblogs
] have recently noticed that their referral logs have
] become the newest target for spam.

] Referral logs, intended to collect information on who
] visited a website and how they happened to arrive
] there, are being stuffed with bogus links. Curious
] bloggers who click on a logged link to see who
] visited their site are instead led to pornography or
] advertising sites.

MemeStreams receives lots of referral spam. This _really_ pisses me off.

Wired News: When the Spam Hits the Blogs
by Decius at 7:38 am EDT, Sep 11, 2003

] Owners of the conversational websites known as weblogs
] have recently noticed that their referral logs have
] become the newest target for spam.

] Referral logs, intended to collect information on who
] visited a website and how they happened to arrive
] there, are being stuffed with bogus links. Curious
] bloggers who click on a logged link to see who
] visited their site are instead led to pornography or
] advertising sites.

MemeStreams receives lots of referral spam.

BTW, whoever wrote this article is kind of an idiot... These are not REAL refferals, so they don't have any impact on your google ranking. (duh!)

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