Decius wrote: ] (Read with a mooninite voice:) hey! that's me! kinda. ;) ] ] If we haven't IDed you, you can ID yourself, and we promise ] not to sue you for PAST infringement (which we're not going to ] do anyway because we haven't IDed you), but we'll check up on ] you now and then in the future to make sure you're still ] clean. ] ] If we HAVE IDed you, you're still screwed. ] ] The great thing about this is that we get to look merciful ] without making any changes in our litigation plans. ] ] Remember, The RIAA is watching you. ] ] It is more then you could possibly comprehend with 100% of ] your brain. ] ] BEEP. yes, this is total shenanigans, and i have my doubts that anyone will do this. please sign me up to be monitored for activities i may or may not have committed or ever commit -- i like that plan. while we're at it, call up homeland security... it's entirely possible i'm a terrorist also. RE: - Record Labels Plan Amnesty For Downloaders |