] To many Linux fans in this post-Enron world, it seems odd ] that a stock like SCOX would be doing well at all given ] what has come out about the lawsuit, let alone doing so ] incredibly well. It may also seem odd that talking heads ] on TV or in the business press can hype a stock that ] seems even shakier than many of the dot-bombs, but ] apparently it can still happen. In a June 23 in ] BusinessWeek, we learn that Jonathan Cohen has invested ] in SCO stock and feels it will do well. The next day, he ] gives a good rating to SCOX on moneycentral.msn.com. By ] 30 June 2003, we see that he owns 167,500 shares of SCOX ] stock through Royce and Associates. ] So, our friend Jonathan Cohen is in charge of a Technology ] Fund that has invested in SCO stock. How heavily? ] According to Morningstar, SCOX represents over 5% of the ] total fund. According to the same link, SCOX is up over ] 900% (as of the morning of 29 August 2003) since Cohen ] bought the stock. In fact, Cohen, through the Royce fund, ] is the 5th largest institutional investor in SCOX stock. |