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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: Guardian Unlimited | Auntie's digital revelation. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

Guardian Unlimited | Auntie's digital revelation
by Rattle at 5:39 am EDT, Aug 30, 2003

] But planning for 2016 in today's media world is proving
] to be an impossible task. Why, notes one of the great and
] the good, what about this Napster business? With people
] copying music and television and film and distributing
] them among themselves for free, the whole business model
] on which commercial broadcasting depends could be
] undermined by 2016. It could...
] He pauses.
] "Wait a minute. Why do we care about them sharing our
] programmes?"
] It's a scene of revelation that has, quietly but
] steadily, recurred across the corporation for the past
] two years. And in the last few months, fuelled by
] transatlantic visits from net advocates such as Stanford
] professor Lawrence Lessig and the Library of Congress's
] internet archivist, Brewster Kahle, the observation has
] been nudged into a full-scale mission for the BBC: a
] mission whose first fruit was announced last Sunday by
] the corporation's director-general, Greg Dyke.

More on the recent good news from the BBC.

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