Decius: Do you think it ought to be illegal to look at a map while stopped at a red light?
Have you seen the GHSA brochure? It says "Reading a Map" right on the cover page! I imagine they believe the scope of the Georgia law is far less than what is really needed to ensure the safety of America's roadways. Reading a map is a Category Three ("Combination") Distraction, because it distracts you both physically and intellectually. In the Future, vehicles will be remotely piloted by professional drivers located in regional "drive centers". They're a cross between taxi drivers and chauffeurs, except that they don't physically travel with you. You just get in the car, dock your phone, start up the app of your favorite drive center, and speak your destination. Verlyn Klinkenborg: Every now and then I meet someone in Manhattan who has never driven a car. I used to wonder at such people, but more and more I wonder at myself. Driving is the cultural anomaly of our moment.
RE: Texting while driving ban a challenge to enforce, authorities say | |