Rattle wrote: ] ] JENIN, West Bank, Aug. 19 /PRNewswire/ -- In response to ] ] the email received today from the Motion Picture ] ] Association of America (MPAA) to Earthstation 5 for ] ] copyright violations for streaming FIRST RUN movies over ] ] the internet for FREE, this is our official response! ] ] Earthstation 5 is at war with the Motion Picture ] ] Association of America (MPAA) and the Record Association ] ] of America (RIAA), and to make our point very clear that ] ] their governing laws and policys have absolutely no ] ] meaning to us here in Palestine, we will continue to add ] ] even more movies for FREE. ] ] Dare I make a suicide bomber joke? I admire their chutzpah, but where do they make their MONEY??? RE: PRWire | Earthstation 5 Declares War on MPAA |