Another technique used by partners by adkins52s at 9:29 am EDT, Nov 6, 2010 |
Another technique used by partners in fraud is to use automated instant messaging and inform each other about the cards they have. When the poker cheat becomes aware that six cards are out of the deck, then his odds can improve by nearly 12%. |
All About Poker Cheating Programs by aynennette at 2:52 am EDT, May 18, 2011 |
It is also possible for a person who is a high level executive to use a server exploit to see the hole cards of other players. Such a case took place in 2007 when an executive stole millions from other customers. |
Another method by a poker hand cheat is to cooperate to increase the pot by corepere at 12:31 am EDT, Aug 17, 2011 |
The modus operandi involves a weak-handed player who keeps on increasing the pot in collusion with a strong-handed partner and together they compel the victim to increase his bet. Ultimately, he will think that since two strong hands are increasing the ante, it would be prudent on his part to quit, unless he has very good cards. |
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