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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: Linux Reconstructing Tree of Life. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

Linux Reconstructing Tree of Life
by BridgetAG at 11:15 pm EDT, Jul 10, 2003

] Wheeler's team will work to create a massive data matrix
] containing detailed information about each spider species
] -- attributes like size, diet and habitat. The matrix
] will then be processed to spot subtle relationships
] between the species, and to figure out how spiders made
] the transition from their family tree's base to the
] farthest branches.

I want to see the results of The Project displayed in some as yet unavailable 3D goggle/room display, to be able to walk through the links of all life on earth.

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