bucy wrote: ] ] ] ] NEW YORK - Judging from the holy war being waged by ] ] proponents of Linux PCs, it's clear that Linux is ] ] becoming the OS/2 of its time. ] ] Ummmm.... Linux is irrelevant. As an OS, it's immature and half baked. For enterprise customers, its cost typically exceeds that of Windoze. Eventually, the Linux vendors will resort to the same kind of crap that Microsoft does to leverage their platform. This is not the point. The point is OSS. Open Source Systems. Building technology platforms and applications with open systems and protocols. So that no one vendor controls anything. So that the system is transparent, which aids security and security research. So that investments in technology aren't wasted on the whims of vendor agenda. So that innovation increases. Linux is not the end. Linux is the means. RE: Forbes.com: Why You Won't Be Getting A Linux PC |