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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: konspire2b: a revolution in mass-scale content distribution. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

konspire2b: a revolution in mass-scale content distribution
by Rattle at 6:53 pm EDT, Jun 11, 2003

] recommendations also allow one person to establish a
] trusted, virtual identity in an anonymous way. For
] example, consider alice, an anonymous k2b channel owner.
] After starting one channel and gaining the trust of her
] subscribers (who learned about her channel from the
] prebroadcast catcher or from her anonymous website),
] alice can start new channels and recommend them to her
] subscribers. Perhaps these new channels will be more
] specific than her original channel (like alice_fiction,
] alice_poetry, and alice_paintings), so subscribers can
] pick channels that closely match their interests. In her
] recommendation comments, alice can attest to the fact
] that she owns these new channels. If the subscribers
] trust alice, they can trust that she owns these new
] channels too. If alice has sent high-quality content on
] her original channel, she is likely to send content of
] equal quality on her new channels.

] over time, channel owners with a solid reputations will
] learn to treat recommendations seriously, since those
] who take recommendations lightly will not have solid
] reputations.


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