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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: Nullsoft WASTE Source Code. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

Nullsoft WASTE Source Code
by Rattle at 11:11 pm EDT, May 31, 2003

AOL be damned.

RE: Nullsoft WASTE Source Code
by Dagmar at 1:17 am EDT, Jun 4, 2003

Rattle wrote:
] AOL be damned.

I've got nothing so severe against AOL to want to spite them, but I've got a copy of the thing too for the sake of it's uniqueness. Hopefully in the near future I'll have enough time to do more with the tarball than just point at it and say (metaphorically) "Ook!". This thing could actually be useful for something legit.

RE: Nullsoft WASTE Source Code
by Rattle at 8:02 am EDT, Jun 4, 2003

Dagmar wrote:
] Rattle wrote:
] ] AOL be damned.
] I've got nothing so severe against AOL to want to spite them,
] but I've got a copy of the thing too for the sake of it's
] uniqueness. Hopefully in the near future I'll have enough
] time to do more with the tarball than just point at it and say
] (metaphorically) "Ook!". This thing could actually be useful
] for something legit.

Same here.. Hopefully the same thing that happened to Gnutella will happen to WASTE.

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