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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: The Globe and Mail | The story of the Internet and the frustrated mullahs. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

The Globe and Mail | The story of the Internet and the frustrated mullahs
by Rattle at 3:40 pm EDT, May 25, 2003

] The story of the Internet and the mullahs is a
] fascinating study in how technology can subvert even the
] most repressive of regimes. In the past couple of years,
] Iranian authorities have cracked down hard on the
] country's reformist press, closing newspapers and
] arresting journalists. But it will be harder for the
] mullahs to close down the Web. Sina Montallebi has become
] a powerful symbol of the liberal and technology-savvy
] generation that the mullahs have failed to suppress.

] Can you have social, cultural and economic liberalization
] without political freedom? Iran will be one of the test
] cases. And even though the regime is cracking down on the
] Net, the young Webloggers believe they can't crack down
] forever. "For sure it won't last too long," IranianGirl
] wrote recently. "Their time is over."

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