I have a sudden craving for Bananas and an inexplicable deisre to hang from a tree by my feet... Laughing Boy ] Chimpanzees are so closely related to humans that they ] should properly be considered as members of the human ] family, according to new genetic research. ] ] Scientists from the Wayne State University, School of ] Medicine, Detroit, US, examined key genes in humans and ] several ape species and found our "life code" to be 99.4% ] the same as chimps. ] ] They propose moving common chimps and another very ] closely related ape, bonobos, into the genus, Homo, the ] taxonomic grouping researchers use to classify people in ] the animal kingdom. ] ] Humans, or Homo sapiens to give the species its ] scientific name, are the only living organism in the ] genus at the moment - although some extinct creatures ] such as Neanderthals (Homo Neanderthalis) also occupy the ] same grouping. |