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RE: U.S. National Film Registry -- Titles


RE: U.S. National Film Registry -- Titles
by aestetix at 7:58 pm EDT, May 5, 2003

Elonka wrote:
] ] In 1988, the (United States) Library of Congress
] ] established the National Film Preservation Board, to
] ] preserve film deemed "culturally, historically, or
] ] esthetically important". Each year, the board selects 25
] ] films to add to the National Film Registry. Herein is the
] ] complete list of those films so honoured to date.
] All the movies which the Library of Congress sees fit to
] preserve, so far.

Very interesting link. I was expecting mostly movies listed in the IMDB top 100... instead, there are a lot of films I've never even heard of.

RE: U.S. National Film Registry -- Titles

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