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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: U.N. requests permission to investigate looting at Tuwaitha nuclear site in Iraq. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

U.N. requests permission to investigate looting at Tuwaitha nuclear site in Iraq
by Elonka at 1:27 pm EDT, May 5, 2003

] ElBaradei had urged Washington "to allow the IAEA to send
] a mission to Al-Tuwaitha (south of Baghdad) to
] investigate the disturbing reports of looting at the
] nuclear site".
] "We don't consider it necessarily a problem of nuclear
] proliferation but it could be a problem of health and
] safety and environmental contamination . . ."

Finally, the mainstream media and agencies are catching up with what MEMRI reported last week ( ) -- that looters stripped a nuclear site in Iraq, carting off radioactive barrels and using them to store food and eating utensils, until they learned the barrels were "hot" at which point they dumped them in the river and sewage systems. :( This story could potentially be huge, so I'm glad it's getting more attention.

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