] One cleverly concealed map scheme elicited the help of ] the U.S. Playing Card Company of Cincinnati, Ohio. ] Workers inserted numbered segments of a large escape ] route map into a full deck of cards for reassembly at the ] stalag. Each map segment replaced the card's opaque, ] black center layer, which prevents light from penetrating ] the card and divulging a backlit hand to an opposing ] player. The company printed an entire map onto a block of ] fifty-two cards, two jokers, and two company cards prior ] to cutting, a method that ensured a close fit of map ] segments. Workers affixed the face of the card with a ] water-soluble rubber-based adhesive that could either be ] peeled or soaked apart. Picture of one of the cards here, under "P.O.W. Playing Cards" http://www.loc.gov/preserv/bachbase/bbcmaps.html |