] Since 1992, the Thomas Jefferson Center for the ] Protection of Free Expression has celebrated the birth ] and ideals of its namesake by calling attention to those ] who in the past year forgot or disregarded Mr. ] Jefferson's admonition that freedom of speech "cannot be ] limited without being lost." ] ] ] Announced on or near April 13 -- the anniversary of the ] birth of Thomas Jefferson -- the Jefferson Muzzles are ] awarded as a means to draw national attention to ] abridgments of free speech and press and, at the same ] time, foster an appreciation for those tenets of the ] First Amendment. Because the importance and value of free ] expression extend far beyond the First Amendment's limit ] on government censorship, acts of private censorship are ] not spared consideration for the dubious honor of ] receiving a Muzzle. ] ] ] Unfortunately, each year the finalists for the Jefferson ] Muzzles have emerged from an alarmingly large group of ] candidates. For each recipient, a dozen could have been ] substituted. Further, an examination of previous ] Jefferson Muzzle recipients reveals that the disregard of ] First Amendment principles is not the byproduct of a ] particular political outlook but rather that threats to ] free expression come from all over the political ] spectrum. |