Clate Mask: In a startup, passionate employees almost always outperform experienced corporate types who command big bucks.
Johan de Kleer: One passionate person is worth a thousand people who are just plodding along ...
Bill Gurley: Customers seem to really like free as a price point. I suspect they will love "less than free."
Paul Carr: If we all started thinking a bit more like friends, and a bit less like attention whores, the privacy problem would be solved at a stroke.
Maggie Jackson: Despite our wondrous technologies and scientific advances, we are nurturing a culture of diffusion, fragmentation, and detachment. In this new world, something crucial is missing -- attention.
Sanjay Jha: If I didn't have smartphones in the market for Christmas of '09, this business wouldn't have a runway.
Saul Hansell: Mr. Jha does not have Motorola flying again, but he at least has it poised for a takeoff.
Paul Vigna: There's a line from an early Bruce Springsteen song that's been ringing in my head this morning. "Well the runway lies ahead like a great false dawn." Who can say the worst has passed?
Anthony Shadid: "Bodies were hurled into the air," said Mohammed Fadhil, a 19-year-old bystander. "I saw women and children cut in half."
George Soros: The short-term needs are the opposite of what is needed in the long term.
Interior Minister Roberto Maroni: We are closing the net on the super-fugitives.
Have you seen Gomorrah? Gomorrah has been hailed as a classic mafia movie, which lays bare the savagery of the Neapolitan Camorra and how it develop... [ Read More (0.1k in body) ]