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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: Is This Freedom, Ask Iraqis as Chaos Reigns . You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

Is This Freedom, Ask Iraqis as Chaos Reigns
by digitalreporter at 2:17 am EDT, Apr 12, 2003

] BAGHDAD (Reuters) - The Iraqi capital sank into anarchy
] on Friday as residents went on a looting spree in full
] view of U.S. forces.
] As troops still battled to contain pockets of Iraqi
] fighters scattered around the city, thousands of ordinary
] citizens helped themselves to anything they could lay
] their hands on in shops, factories, schools, hospitals
] and government buildings.
] Young and old, men and women rifled through bomb-damaged
] buildings as well as areas unaffected by fighting.
] "Is this your liberation?" one frustrated shopkeeper
] screamed at the crew of a U.S. tank as a gang of youths
] helped themselves to everything in his small hardware
] store and carted booty off in the wheelbarrows that had
] also been on sale.
] "Hell, it ain't my job to stop them," drawled one young
] marine, lighting a cigarette as he looked on. "Goddamn
] Iraqis will steal anything if you let them. Look at
] them."

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