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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: Sneak attack against the American people. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

Sneak attack against the American people
by Andy at 11:45 am EDT, Apr 8, 2003

] With public attention riveted on the war in Iraq,
] politicians may be planning to launch a sneak attack
] against the American people.
] Their weapon: Patriot II, a piece of legislation that
] would give the government frightening new powers,
] including the ability to make secret arrests, issue
] secret subpoenas, create a vast new DNA database and even
] strip Americans of their citizenship and deport them.
] Formally called The Domestic Security Enhancement Act of
] 2003 (DSEA), the legislation has been shrouded in
] secrecy, prompting civil liberties groups to fear the
] government has been waiting for an opportunity -- such as
] war or another terrorist attack -- to rush it through
] Congress. That's exactly what happened with the USA
] Patriot Act, which passed the House and Senate with
] lightning speed just six weeks after the September 11
] terrorist attacks.
] Now with war raging in Iraq, history may be about to
] repeat itself.

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