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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: Gun, Germs and Stall?. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

Gun, Germs and Stall?
by Andy at 6:45 pm EDT, Apr 6, 2003

] Over the last two weeks, nobody has been paying much
] attention to economic news; even the ups and downs of the
] Dow have reflected reports from the battlefield, not the
] boardroom. But the economic news is quite worrying.
] Indeed, the latest readings suggest that our recovery,
] such as it is, may be stalling.
] Actually, the recovery can't officially stall since it
] hasn't officially begun: the committee that rules on such
] matters still hasn't declared the recession that began in
] March 2001 over. There are good reasons for the
] committee's hesitation: while G.D.P. started growing in
] late 2001, the job situation -- which is what matters
] to most people -- has more or less steadily worsened.
] In particular, fewer people are working now than were
] employed a year ago. Since the working-age population
] continues to rise, jobs have become steadily harder to
] find.

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