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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: Pravda.RU | Is Hussein Owner of Crashed UFO?. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

Pravda.RU | Is Hussein Owner of Crashed UFO?
by Rattle at 12:40 am EST, Apr 5, 2003

] An UFO-related incident that occurred four years ago
] poses a troubling question whether any kind of
] cooperation is possible between Iraqi dictator Saddam
] Hussein and extraterrestrials,” UFOlogist Joseph Trainor
] declared in his review UFO Roundup (issue 51 of December
] 17, 2002). “On December 16, 1998, during Operation Desert
] Fox against Iraq, a video clip aired on CNN showed a UFO
] hovering over Baghdad; it moved away to avoid a stream of
] tracer anti-aircraft fire. At that time we all thought it
] was another UFO sighting, although captured on videotape.
] But now, ufologists think it was much more than a mere
] incident.

Al Queda connection? Phbttt.. No, worse then that. ALIENS!!

] The aliens took ordinary desert scorpions and used their
] bio-engineering to grow the scorpions to giant size.
] Scorpions of a cow-size! They are wonderful watchdogs:
] they blend in with the desert, swiftly and silently move
] on their warm-blooded prey for a decisive attack.
] Luckless intruders hear just some strange sound from
] behind stones, then a pincer crushes their necks,
] another pincer crushes their legs; then the victims is
] slammed to the ground and beaten with a barbed tail six
] or seven times. Death comes almost immediately.

"The enemy we're fighting is different from the one we'd wargamed against."

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