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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: U.N. Will Allow Iraq Oil To Flow. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

U.N. Will Allow Iraq Oil To Flow
by digitalreporter at 12:21 pm EST, Mar 28, 2003

] NEW YORK - With a war on, Iraq is surprisingly still in
] position to deliver oil, and while the United Nations may
] be in no position to deliver food, the U.N. Security
] Council is at least near an agreement that would permit
] U.N. agencies to do so as part of the oil-for-food
] program.
] The agreement will allow delivery of $10 billion in food
] and other humanitarian aid to Iraq, diplomats say. These
] shipments would be financed by Iraqi oil that is already
] out of the ground and stored at the Turkish Mediterranean
] port of Ceyhan, the end of a pipeline from Iraq's
] northern Kirkuk fields.
] The resolution could be voted on as early as today and is
] being hailed as a resumption of a consensus about Iraq
] policy after the acrimonious debates failed to lead to an
] agreement before the war.

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