John T. Cacioppo: Social isolation can be as harmful to your health as smoking or a sedentary lifestyle. A large part of this effect is driven by the subjective sense of social isolation we call loneliness. New research shows that human beings are simply far more intertwined and interdependent--physiologically as well as psychologically--than our cultural prejudices have allowed us to acknowledge. "If you want to go fast," says an African proverb, "go alone. If you want to go far, go together."
Elizabeth Kirkwood: It would be a shame if Capoccio's findings, insightful as they are, made people feel overtly afraid of feeling lonely. There is much to be said for the dialogues we have with ourselves. Isn't that so?
A female introvert: One of the greatest compliments I have ever given anyone I dated is that being with him was like being alone.
Michael Chabon: Once something is fetishized, capitalism steps in and finds a way to sell it.
Noteworthy, in early 2006: Social networking is the 21st century equivalent of collecting baseball cards.