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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: Reporting Reflects Anxiety & Weblogs: Facts Are in, Spin Is Out. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

Reporting Reflects Anxiety & Weblogs: Facts Are in, Spin Is Out
by Rattle at 3:48 am EST, Mar 25, 2003

First section of this article is about the change in tone between Saturday and Sunday in the mainstream TV and print media war coverage. Second section is about the rise of the warblog..

] Even if Sean-Paul Kelley, the mastermind and
] lightning-fast typist behind the Weblog at,
] had changed his mind about the war in recent days, his
] rapidly growing audience would not know it. In a shift
] that appears to reflect a growing distrust of mass media,
] the most popular Web journals to emerge in recent days
] are simply reporting the news.
] "My readership has grown 350 percent over the last five
] days, and I really think it's a function of the fact that
] I am providing the news without the media hype of CNN and
] Fox," said Mr. Kelly, 32, of San Antonio, who has devoted
] the past week to transcribing news from dozens of sources
] and posting it nonstop on his Web site. "The most
] important thing is that people know what is going on." is really, really, really great.

] Until now, Weblogs, or blogs, have mostly been platforms
] for their owners to spout their opinions on any given
] subject.

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