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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: (Pakistan) Daily Times | 24 Hindus massacred in Kashmir. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

(Pakistan) Daily Times | 24 Hindus massacred in Kashmir
by Rattle at 9:33 pm EST, Mar 24, 2003

] Suspected guerrillas gunned down 24 Kashmiri Hindus in
] this small hamlet in Shopian in south Kashmir late on
] Sunday night. The victims included 11 women and two
] children, aged two and three.
] Eyewitnesses told Daily Times that over a dozen armed
] men, dressed in army uniforms, barged into the village
] around 10.30pm, disarmed half a dozen policemen on
] security duty at the main entrance of the village, saying
] soldiers were looking for militants hiding in the
] village. The gunmen then ordered the Pandit families to
] come out and assemble under a Chinar tree, in an open
] field. They then shot them with automatic weapons. 24
] people were killed and five injured. Before fleeing from
] the scene, the gunmen took away guns and a wireless set
] from the policemen.

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