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RE: Economics Is Not a Natural Science


RE: Economics Is Not a Natural Science
by flynn23 at 12:49 pm EDT, Sep 9, 2009

possibly noteworthy wrote:
George Dyson:

How to best transcend the current economic mess? Put Jeff Bezos, Pierre Omidyar, Elon Musk, Tim O'Reilly, Larry Page, Sergey Brin, Nathan Myhrvold, and Danny Hillis in a room somewhere and don't let them out until they have framed a new, massively-distributed financial system, founded on sound, open, peer-to-peer principles, from the start. And don't call it a bank.

Psszzht... why this group of people? Because they made their fortunes and prominence off of the "old" economic system that needs replacing? Doesn't it smack of making a system where they can profit and benefit from? Doesn't it smack of "I'm George Dyson, and people think I'm smart, so let me introduce you to my friends who will craft this new massively-distributed blah blah buzzword this n that system"?

If you think that applying some internet principals to the economic situation is going to somehow free people from economic slavery, then you're wrong.

RE: Economics Is Not a Natural Science

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