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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: Why Glenn Beck, and Fox News, can't escape the "racist" trap | Media Matters for America. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

Why Glenn Beck, and Fox News, can't escape the "racist" trap | Media Matters for America
by Neoteric at 1:38 pm EDT, Sep 2, 2009

Have so many blue-chip advertisers ever fled a program as quickly as the who's who of corporate America that's sprinted away from Glenn Beck in recent weeks? I certainly cannot recall ever seeing a mass exodus of this scale.

The A-list collection of disgruntled Beck advertisers is staggering: Applebee's, AT&T, Bank of America, Best Buy, Campbell Soup, Clorox, ConAgra, CVS, Ditech, Farmers Insurance Group, GEICO, General Mills, Johnson & Johnson, Lowe's, Nutrisystem, Procter & Gamble, Progressive Insurance, RadioShack, Sprint, State Farm Insurance, The UPS Store, Travelers Insurance, Verizon Wireless, Vonage, and Wal-Mart, among others.

If any television program had lost just three or four of those types of high-caliber advertisers, it would be seen as an extraordinary move in a media environment in which grassroots attempts to pressure advertisers have traditionally yielded modest returns. But at Fox News, Glenn Beck is rewriting television history right before our eyes: four dozen lost advertisers and counting. All of Beck's big-time advertisers have fled. All of them.

how do you keep a show if you lose all your advertisers?

fox news underwrites and funds horrible racists. maybe they should start taking militia ads.

the best thing to do is to tell everyone to turn FNC off. go outside, play some multi-racial catch. share a horchata snow cone w/ a couple of kids on the block. enjoy the beauty that is america w/o fox "news".


ps) our president is not a racist

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