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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: Los Angeles Times: Online commentators are seizing the moment. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

Los Angeles Times: Online commentators are seizing the moment
by Rattle at 3:26 am EST, Mar 21, 2003

] Web logs -- hence the geekish contraction "blogs" --
] began as cyberspatial diaries on which writers posted
] snippets of whatever came to mind or to their attention.
] Narcissism and tedious anarchy were the order of the day.
] Over time, the blogs began to take on many of the
] characteristics of privately printed 19th century
] pamphlets -- places where overlooked or simply eccentric
] preoccupations could be aired.
] But as the form's potential to reach a global readership
] almost instantaneously became clearer, it has become a
] favored medium for political commentators and opinion
] journalists with a desire to make their case with more
] urgency and timeliness than print -- or even television
] -- will permit.
] The run-up to this second Gulf War has been an
] exhilarating period for the latter class of bloggers. In
] fact, the uncertain character of these past few months
] has seemed tailor-made for a medium that puts a premium
] on opinion, debate and the digestion of provocative
] information from more sources than anyone with a day job
] has waking moments to handle.

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