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RE: MemeStreams receives DMCA takedown from Texas Instruments


RE: MemeStreams receives DMCA takedown from Texas Instruments
by Neoteric at 10:59 am EDT, Aug 31, 2009

Decius wrote:
... [point haired legelese] ...
Please confirm to the undersigned in writing no later than noon on August 28, 2009 that you have complied with these demands. You may reach the undersigned by telephone at (972) 917-1522 or by email at TI reserves all further rights and remedies with respect to this matter.

this is crap! shame on you TI. they should point out specifically what in tom's post they object too. cause as far as i remember it was just a punch of words.


RE: MemeStreams receives DMCA takedown from Texas Instruments

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