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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: Telegraph | News | Iraqis launch campaign of sabotage and defiance to undermine Saddam. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

Telegraph | News | Iraqis launch campaign of sabotage and defiance to undermine Saddam
by Rattle at 4:13 pm EST, Mar 17, 2003

] Open acts of defiance by opponents of Saddam Hussein's
] regime have intensified in the past week, with saboteurs
] carrying out attacks against Iraq's railway system and
] protesters openly calling for the overthrow of the Iraqi
] dictator.
] The most blatant act of sabotage took place 20 miles
] south of the north Iraqi city of Mosul when members of
] the Iraqi opposition blew up a stretch of track on the
] Mosul-Baghdad railway, causing the derailment of a train.
] Before fleeing back to their base in Kurdistan, they left
] piles of leaflets by the side of the track urging the
] Iraqi soldiers who were sent to investigate the explosion
] to join the "international alliance to liberate Iraq"
] from "Saddam the criminal". In a separate incident, a
] rocket-propelled grenade was fired at a train illegally
] transporting fuel from Baghdad to Syria.

RE: Telegraph | News | Iraqis launch campaign of sabotage and defiance to undermine Saddam
by flynn23 at 9:08 am EST, Mar 18, 2003

Rattle wrote:
] ] Open acts of defiance by opponents of Saddam Hussein's
] ] regime have intensified in the past week, with saboteurs
] ] carrying out attacks against Iraq's railway system and
] ] protesters openly calling for the overthrow of the Iraqi
] ] dictator.
] ]
] ] The most blatant act of sabotage took place 20 miles
] ] south of the north Iraqi city of Mosul when members of
] ] the Iraqi opposition blew up a stretch of track on the
] ] Mosul-Baghdad railway, causing the derailment of a train.
] ]
] ] Before fleeing back to their base in Kurdistan, they left
] ] piles of leaflets by the side of the track urging the
] ] Iraqi soldiers who were sent to investigate the explosion
] ] to join the "international alliance to liberate Iraq"
] ] from "Saddam the criminal". In a separate incident, a
] ] rocket-propelled grenade was fired at a train illegally
] ] transporting fuel from Baghdad to Syria.

Iraqi rebels or CIA?

Iraqis launch campaign of sabotage and defiance to undermine Saddam
by Elonka at 4:43 pm EST, Mar 17, 2003

] The only area where Saddam can rely with confidence on
] the loyalty of his security forces is in the Ba'ath
] party's heartland around Baghdad. In an attempt to
] reassert his authority Saddam last week issued a
] directive ordering Iraqi officials not to give up their
] positions and flee the country.
] To set an example, members of Saddam's security forces
] arrested a civil servant in the al-Hurriyya suburb of
] Baghdad on suspicion of preparing to leave the country.
] The unfortunate official was then tied to a pole in the
] street and passers-by were ordered to watch as his tongue
] was cut out and he was left to bleed to death.

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