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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: Antiwar protesters trash 9/11 memorial. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

Antiwar protesters trash 9/11 memorial
by crankymessiah at 11:48 am EST, Mar 12, 2003

] LA HABRA -- Antiwar protesters burned and ripped up
] flags, flowers and patriotic signs at a Sept. 11 memorial
] that residents erected on a fence along Whittier
] Boulevard days after the terrorist attacks in 2001 and
] have maintained ever since.
] However, although officers witnessed the vandalism
] Saturday afternoon, police did not arrest three people
] seen damaging the display because they were "exercising
] the same freedom of speech that the people who put up the
] flags were,' La Habra Police Capt. John Rees said Monday.
] "For this to be vandalism, there had to be an ill-will
] intent,' he said.

RE: Antiwar protesters trash 9/11 memorial
by Elonka at 5:08 pm EST, Mar 12, 2003

crankymessiah wrote:
] ] LA HABRA -- Antiwar protesters burned and ripped up
] ] flags, flowers and patriotic signs at a Sept. 11 memorial
] ] that residents erected on a fence along Whittier
] ] Boulevard days after the terrorist attacks in 2001 and
] ] have maintained ever since.
] ]
] ] However, although officers witnessed the vandalism
] ] Saturday afternoon, police did not arrest three people
] ] seen damaging the display because they were "exercising
] ] the same freedom of speech that the people who put up the
] ] flags were,' La Habra Police Capt. John Rees said Monday.
] ]
] ] "For this to be vandalism, there had to be an ill-will
] ] intent,' he said.

Followup article here, about what the police did or didn't see. According to new reports, the police did witness people doing things like changing signs that said "We Love the USA" to say "No War", but the actual vandalism such as tearing or burning flags did not occur until after the police had left:,1413,207%7E12026%7E1237155,00.html

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