BBC NEWS | Middle East | Iranians arrested for net dating by cyantist at 11:00 pm EST, Mar 3, 2003 |
] Dozens of young Iranians have been detained for "unlawful ] actions" after using a website to arrange dates, ] officials say. ] ] A militia commander said 68 men and women were arrested ] in the capital Tehran, according to a report by Iran's ] official Islamic Republic News Agency (Irna). Yikes.. |
RE: BBC NEWS | Middle East | Iranians arrested for net dating by Darwin at 8:07 pm EST, Mar 4, 2003 |
cyantist wrote: ] ] Dozens of young Iranians have been detained for "unlawful ] ] actions" after using a website to arrange dates, ] ] officials say. ] ] ] ] A militia commander said 68 men and women were arrested ] ] in the capital Tehran, according to a report by Iran's ] ] official Islamic Republic News Agency (Irna). ] ] Yikes.. I hear that America is the most evil place in the world... =darwin |
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