Sounds like your next Blackhat talk, the "Reply to All Email Worm and its Destructive Nature".
Acidus wrote:
Someone (incorrectly) sent an email to a huge distribution list inside of HP software asking a question (where huge is defined as > 600 employees). Now *everyone* is using "reply to all" to tell everyone to either:
1) Take them off the mailing list
2) Stop using "reply to all"
Outlooks has been hanging for 20 minutes trying to download all the messages...
This is Bretarded!
Update: The pain has ended after 163 "Reply to All"'s
Update 2: Crap. Just got 13 emails from people in EMEA who are just getting into the office, seeing this, and... REPLYING TO ALL!. You'd think 170 messages in their mailboxes would be a hint... I think whats happening is they are opening Outlook, and only a few messages download before they decide to reply.
I am so not opening Outlook in the morning...