A very credible "End of the U.S." doomsday scenario tied to the public cloud was outlined that I believe warrants further thought. [snip] Be aware: In the following discussion, I'm talking about something that is in the future -- not a risk that currently exists -- but one we still need to plan for.
In other words: Hello, my name is Rob Enderle, and I'd like to use 10 poorly researched and factually erroneous paragraphs to engage in wanton fearing mongering. Did I mention I also offer consulting and advising services for large corporations to cope with exactly the fear I've mongered? No? Well I do! I guess that makes me a whore too. Shame on you Dark Reading. Shame on you for letting such a piece run. This is nothing but speculation and sensationalism. Bruce Schneier is no more tolerant of this fluff than I: No less ridiculous is the main point of the article, which seems to imply that terrorists will someday decide that disrupting people's Lands' End purchases will be more attractive than killing them.