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RE: Newsday Reporter's 'Spilled' Email


RE: Newsday Reporter's 'Spilled' Email
by flynn23 at 3:49 am EST, Mar 1, 2003

Rattle wrote:
] ] I was in a dinner with heads of Saudi and German FBI,
] ] plus the foreign minister of Afghanistan. They all said
] ] that at its peak Al Qaeda had 70,000 members. Only 10% of
] them
] ] were trained in terrorism -- the rest were military
] recruits.
] ] Of that 7000, they say all but about 200 are dead or in
] jail.
] Supposedly this is from a compromised private Email, from a
] Newsday reporter at the World Economic Forum in Switzerland.
] There's a thread on slashdot about how the Email was
] compromised, and the various privacy implications, etc. etc.
] But I have to say, now that it's public, I still found the
] Email fascinating!
] Slashdot thread here:

I was really surprised to find the world's 'leaders' so down and out. C'mon people! You're leaders! That means that you're supposed to have your chin up and be confident that we're going to get out of this mess without 'faith-based' initiatives and 'unilateral' imperialism.

That and the fact that even China admits that 3/4th's of it's population will never be able to afford McDonalds.

RE: Newsday Reporter's 'Spilled' Email

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