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RE: The Manga Guide to Databases


RE: The Manga Guide to Databases
by Stefanie at 2:13 pm EDT, Jul 29, 2009

Want to learn about databases without the tedium? With its unique combination of Japanese-style comics and serious educational content, The Manga Guide to Databases is just the book for you.

I probably couldn't get past having to read those Manga Guides from left to right. It'd be like eating sushi with a fork.

Rattle wrote:
If Billy wrote a script for The Hentai Guide to Web Security, I'm sure we could find someone to illustrate it. Just imagine having SQL injection explained by a school girl and a tentacle monster....

Maybe you could work out a marketing partnership. "Just kick back with your Hentai Guide and a refreshing bottle of Tentacle Grape."

RE: The Manga Guide to Databases

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