The PHP-Nuke people mail the FSF, the FSF confirms that they are 'right' and Lawmeme is wrong.. huh. Doesn't this mean that any given linux system should have to display copyright notices to the user all the time? I wonder if they'll send me a cease-and-desist for quoting their post without appending a copyright notice. . . quoted: ===
MissS writes "Awhile back, questions were raised as to whether or not the copyright notice at the bottom of PHPNuke created pages could be removed. Now there is an answer to this question, straight from the GNU people. The GNU website states that if you have any questions concerning licensing, you can simply email them for clarification. That is exactly what I did and what follows is my email to them... (My email written to on 9/19/2002 with their response indicated by '---gt'):