] IN A TYPICALLY DEFIANT move by the warez scene, no sooner ] does the US Department of Justice manage to shut down a ] site, it simply pops up somewhere else. Isonews had its ] collar felt yesterday with the DoJ promising to use the ] site to preach an anti-piracy message. The site simply ] upped and moved to the ironically named StoleMy.Com The War on Technology rages on... Black markets are nearly impossible to truly take down. Whether its drugs, warez, or information, they heal fast. Its going to be interesting to see how the DOJ reacts to this. If they go on a spree taking down web sites, its going to get nasty. It will just wind up being another technology arms race. Especially in regard to the warez scene. Those folks pride themselves on their ability to make information flow, and flow under the radar of anyone looking. If it comes down to the warez folks against the DOJ, the warez folks will win consistantally. They understand the network and how to use it. Both the data network, and the social network of people that make it all happen. I've always been fairly suprised by the organization inherent in that community. It may not wind up being "a search engine query away", but it will be available, and the people who use it regularly will know right where to find it. |