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RE: A California State of Mind (As a Cancer on Atlanta)


RE: A California State of Mind (As a Cancer on Atlanta)
by Lost at 2:36 pm EDT, Jun 19, 2009

Decius wrote:

There is just one problem: In Atlanta, The ‘California State of Mind’ is a Cancer. It is a disease. It has no applicability here and it destroys lives. The commonly stated idea that the differences between Silicon Valley and Atlanta is one purely of scale is false, and the implication of these differences cannot be understated. There are emergent properties of a startup economy that large, that do not exist at our scale whatsoever.

I can’t say that strongly enough. In Georgia, the California State of Mind will try to kill you and will ruin your life. Its not like us. It wants to kill your family. It belongs on the terrorist watch list. Without the supportive environment of the Valley, the valley game-plan has disastrous effects on human lives.

Jello wrote an article for Techdrawl as part of the series he is doing on Startup Geography. It is also up on Hacker News (presently the #1 item).

The previous piece is here.

PG said I was wrong in the comments on hacker news. I said PG was wrong, and I am right. I got more points on my comment than PG.

I win! :D

RE: A California State of Mind (As a Cancer on Atlanta)

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