There is no front line anymore.
There is no right hand, left hand anymore.
There is no right hand any more.
There is no magic anymore.
There is no privacy anymore.
There is no reason to go above Fifth to socialize anymore.
There is no pleasure in the chase anymore.
If you are a sufferer of Hyperhidrosis, then there is no reason for you to worry and feel embarrassed any more.
There is no such thing as having a life outside work anymore.
There is no margin anymore.
There is no album any more.
There is no such thing as punk anymore.
There is no localization of music anymore.
There is no accountability any more.
There is no kingdom anymore.
Machismo has always had street parking, except there is no street anymore because of the pending light rail.
There is no euphoria anymore that used to colour every special event vibrating with patriotism at the dawn of Independence.
There is no such thing anymore as the "City of Nashville."
I cringe and keep searching, but there is ... [ Read More (0.5k in body) ]