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RE: IOL : K-bot the sociable cyborg is wired to smile


RE: IOL : K-bot the sociable cyborg is wired to smile
by cyantist at 2:52 pm EST, Feb 18, 2003

Rattle wrote:
] Denver - The world's most sophisticated cyborg, which can
] grin with self-satisfaction or sneer in disdain, has at last
] been unveiled.
] Packed with 24 small motors to manipulate the artificial skin
] of its face, the cyborg - called K-bot - has a pair of cameras
] in its eyes designed to analyse the facial expressions of the
] people it sees.

] Its not a cyborg. Cyborg implies a human is one of the
] components. Steve Mann is a cyborg. This is a robot head.

I agree with you, but I thought it was an interesting "robot head" ;-)

RE: IOL : K-bot the sociable cyborg is wired to smile

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