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RE: GOP Listening Tour Gives Jeb Bush Some Answers: Who Needs High School or College When You Can Listen to Rush Limbaugh | Video Cafe


RE: GOP Listening Tour Gives Jeb Bush Some Answers: Who Needs High School or College When You Can Listen to Rush Limbaugh | Video Cafe
by Decius at 8:52 am EDT, May 5, 2009

Decius wrote:

Mike the Usurper wrote:
When people are spoon fed years in high school and college of anti-American history?

I can't decide whether thats silly or scary. I really can't see conservative whitewashing of history becoming a divisive political football - if they started trying to push new text books in schools no one would know enough about history to oppose them.

Let it also be noted that I'm open to disagreement about which link I associated with silly and which link I associated with scary.

RE: GOP Listening Tour Gives Jeb Bush Some Answers: Who Needs High School or College When You Can Listen to Rush Limbaugh | Video Cafe

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