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RE: Republican PSA?


RE: Republican PSA?
by Mike the Usurper at 5:19 am EDT, Apr 18, 2009

skullaria wrote:

Mike the Usurper wrote:

Really. Really? Are you serious??? Let me make sure I have this right, the same shitstains who went to Philadelphia, Mississippi, and said "State's rights" because they couldn't say nigger anymore, the same sons of bitches who made the Willie Horton ad, the same bastards who haven't said jack shit about the hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians we blew up under W but now have their mouthpiece Rush bitching about the "innocent" Somali pirates who got killed for holding a gun to a ship captain's head are trying to sell crap like THIS???

There are more of these scripts here. And wow, have these guys left the reality train.

It has got to quit being about republican democrat. The partisan crap is a nothing but a divided road with both sides having both ends leading to hell.

Well in one regard, you're right, and it will end. The current incarnation of the Republican party appears to be completely self destructing. The fiscal conservatives and libertarians are at odds with each other, and neither can stand the social conservative/bigot wing which has taken over the party. You're already seeing it which is why the other side is pushing super majority status.

The fiscal conservatives who 40 years ago would have been Goldwater Republicans are now Blue Dog Democrats. The Libertarians who would be more likely to side Republican because of money issues are drifting away because the social conservative movement is absolutely antithetical to the "stay the hell out of my life" ethos of the Libertarians at every level.

Welcome to the continuing evolution of politics. The current Republicans have been taken over by the Dixiecrat bigots the Democrats left behind 45 years ago with the Voting Rights Act of 1964 and Civil Rights Act of 1965. The party that had candidates for its head sending out copies of "Barack the Magic Negro" is about to find out they're dead in the water. They have to change away from the social conservative base because there isn't enough there to win, but the base is in charge, and ditching the base kills any chance a candidate in that party has.

The two party system is starting to splinter, and the reason you're seeing it in the Republican party first is because the "Big Tent" is a lie. There isn't enough room in there for anyone else when you bring in the social conservatives. Their mode is "you're either with us or against us," and the majority of the country isn't with them.

RE: Republican PSA?

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