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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: Practical uses of SWFScan. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

Practical uses of SWFScan
by Acidus at 2:46 pm EDT, Apr 1, 2009

Or: How Billy hacked Zombie Hooker Nightmare to get his name on TV during [adult swim].

 public static function submit(arg0:String, arg1:Number) : String
        strURI = null;
        nGameId = null;
        nScore = NaN;
        nTime = NaN;
        strTime = null;
        strN1 = null;
        strN2 = null;
        n1 = NaN;
        n2 = NaN;
        nAlgo = NaN;
        strToPass = null;
        encrypted_data = null;
        submission_data = null;
        variables = null;
        request = null;
        gameID = arg0;
        score = arg1;
        try {
                strURI ="getLittleServer");
                nGameId = gameID;
                nScore = score;
                nTime ="getSrvrTime");
                strTime = toString();
                strN1 = substr(253, 3);
                strN2 = substr(252, 3);
                n1 = parseInt(strN1);
                n2 = parseInt(strN2);
                nAlgo = n1 * n2 * nScore + nScore;
                strToPass = nGameId + "," + nScore + "," + nTime + "," + nAlgo;

                encrypted_data = MD5.hash(strToPass);
                submission_data = "score=" + nScore + "|gameId=" + nGameId + "|timestamp=" + nTime + "|key=" + encrypted_data;


                variables = new URLVariables();
            variables.attr1 = submission_data;
                request = new URLRequest(strURI);
   = variables;
            navigateToURL(request, "_self");
            return submission_data;
        } catch (e:Error) {
            var loc1:* = e;
                gameID = null;
        return null;

Practical uses of SWFScan
by Worthersee at 12:22 am EDT, Apr 2, 2009

Or: How Billy hacked Zombie Hooker Nightmare to get his name on TV during Adult Swim.

Awesome. I found a bunch of games that expose how they record the high score insecurely, but none that would get my name on TV. "Look mom! I made those zombie hookers my bitchez!"

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