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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: Royal Standard Has Given Way To a Royal Pain ( You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

Royal Standard Has Given Way To a Royal Pain (
by flynn23 at 1:40 am EST, Feb 7, 2003

Computer training has become the living hell of the American workplace, a loathsome ritual that highlights the mounting battle between the computer cognoscenti and us mere mortals.

Wow. The Washington Post is on it this week.

This is a meme that I've hinted at in previous posts, but this article really seizes what I've been talking about from the user's perspective. Technology sucks. We're at a stage where it should be elegantly simple, like a telephone. Yet everything seems to be engineered to require 5 techs and a slaughtered goat in order to make it function appropriately. When is it going to get fixed?

Now this article starts meandering about the personality types of 'techies' versus non-techs. And yes, that's definitely a problem (as anyone who's been on a mailing list in the last few years can tell you). But the real issue here is the products themselves.

Royal Standard Has Given Way To a Royal Pain (
by crankymessiah at 8:44 am EST, Feb 7, 2003

Computer training has become the living hell of the American workplace, a loathsome ritual that highlights the mounting battle between the computer cognoscenti and us mere mortals.

Wow. The Washington Post is on it this week.

This is a meme that I've hinted at in previous posts, but this article really seizes what I've been talking about from the user's perspective. Technology sucks. We're at a stage where it should be elegantly simple, like a telephone. Yet everything seems to be engineered to require 5 techs and a slaughtered goat in order to make it function appropriately. When is it going to get fixed?

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