In view of the devastating dip, we've gone to great pains not to make light of our customers' gloom, even as we work to magnify our margins.
Wells Fargo canceled a four-day corporate event in Las Vegas as financial firms cut perks amid criticism from lawmakers. "We had scaled back the mortgage event, but in light of the current environment, we have now decided to cancel."
He starts scrambling, easily finds holds for his hands and feet, basks in the thin sunshine. Then the gully gets steeper, tougher and narrower; thunderclouds gather overhead. Soon our adventurer, perched on a ledge with nothing below but air, realizes he's stuck. At which point, this thought occurs: knowing precisely how he got into such a fix is an interesting question, one that he will enjoy discussing with fellow climbers at that nice bar in the valley. But the important thing right now is to get down. In one piece.
In light of the current environment, Goldman decided to reschedule the hedge-fund managers' conference.
Georgia is well positioned to weather the financial crisis thanks to billions of dollars in aid ...
They said it is in consideration of the current dip in the housing industry.
Move the Texas governor into the Speaker's Apartment, and that's a savings to the state of $108,000 a year. That may seem like small potatoes, but that's probably as much as the governor spends annually on Dippity-do.
TLC liked the idea of creating a program that focuses on new good ideas out there for real estate, said Dustin Smith, TLC's director of publicity. "Of course, we take great pains not to make light of the situation," he said.
People are often at great pains to keep the bulimia outwardly hidden.
As usual, the game that's played around Washington is find something little that you can complain about and see if you can magnify it.
We should probably tell you that the full title of this game is Zombies! Apocalypse - Massive Multiplayer Online Zombies Massacre, even tho... [ Read More (0.2k in body) ]