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RE: Recovery Turns Grim as Remains of Some Victims Are Found


RE: Recovery Turns Grim as Remains of Some Victims Are Found
by Rattle at 6:32 pm EST, Feb 3, 2003

jessica wrote:
] This article brought me back to the question that's been
] nagging at me ever since I was eight and a half years old and
] I saw the Challenger explosion.. did they ever find remains
] from the crew of the Challenger? If anyone knows, or finds an
] article about that, please let me know.

Yes, they found the remains of the Challenger crew. I don't remember all the details, so this may be incorrect. If I remember, it was kept quiet at the time because it was still in question if the crew was alive as the crew cabin module fell to the ocean. They did not want to upset people. I also think it was concluded that the crew was killed instantally by the concussion of the explosion. I'm not sure a straight answer has ever been given about that. Not that it matters too much.. For their sake, I hope it was an instant death.

In this case, I have a feeling these poor astronauts had about 10 - 20 seconds to realise something was very wrong before a very very quick death. This is indicated by the last words over the comm channel in response to Huston inquiring about the temperature warning in the left wing wheel well.. "Roger, uhh..." [boom]

What would you say if you were seeing feedback in your console that indicated the most serious of reentry problems? If it was me, it would have been "Oh shit!", but I have a feeling that NASA trains astronauts not to do that.

RE: Recovery Turns Grim as Remains of Some Victims Are Found

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