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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: The Santa Letters Letters. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

The Santa Letters Letters
by banker2 at 8:53 am EST, Dec 8, 2008

It's hard to imagine Christmas a year after a tragic accident to one's spouse but that is what Emma Jensen is dealing with but as if that is not enough she also faces monetary problems and an overwhelming since of sadness. Not only is she depressed but her whole family feels it and seems to have lost hope except of six year old, McKenna. The surprising arrival of a package and letter, signed "Santa," that arrives each day offers hope and the family begins to heal and feel love. The feeling of redemption and hope from this book make it a must read anytime but especially in the Christmas season. Hopefully, it will be gift-wrapped under many trees this year.

The Santa Letters Letters
by stone1a at 10:30 am EST, Dec 8, 2008

t's hard to imagine Christmas a year after a tragic accident to one's spouse but that is what Emma Jensen is dealing with but as if that is not enough she also faces monetary problems and an overwhelming since of sadness. Not only is she depressed but her whole family feels it and seems to have lost hope except of six year old, McKenna. The surprising arrival of a package and letter, signed "Santa," that arrives each day offers hope and the family begins to heal and feel love. The feeling of redemption and hope from this book make it a must read anytime but especially in the Christmas season. Hopefully, it will be gift-wrapped under many trees this year.

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